Global network for higher music, dance and performing arts education
Creating a sustainable platform for cross-cultural activities
The GLOMUS network is a value driven non-profit community where students' artistic and human development is at the center. Core values for the GLOMUS network are intercultural dialogue and artistic interaction with a focus on contributing to a positive social development, both locally and globally.
The GLOMUS Camp is a major event, which takes place every two years and brings students, teachers, managers and artists from all member countries together to engage in an abundance of intercultural expressions, performances, and debate workshops.
Partner institutions
GLOMUS has 25 partner schools from all continents that represent some of the academically strongest and most visionary arts schools in the world.
Supporting organizations
The GLOMUS network has received support from various state-funded organizations as well as a number of private foundations.
“What better way to meet people, make bridges, and find a common peace than to make music together and to learn about those who are different than you? That is what GLOMUS does”.
— Student testimonial from 2015 Malaysia Camp